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CRVA can assist your organization with its computer and electronic needs.

Youth Programs

CRVA firmly believes that the success of our future is directly related to the success of our children. That is why we are always pursuing innovative partnerships in an effort to provide equal access to technology for all of Virginia’s children. By providing the necessary computers for our schools and youth programs our donors are helping to ensure that our children are getting the educational equipment that they need to improve their lives and everyone's future. CRVA also provides information to groups on the importance of recycling and teaches the processes involved in demanufacturing and recycling electronic equipment.

James City County Parks and Recreation

CRVA has provided laptops and other computers to the before and after school programs for all of the elementary and middle school programs and for two At-Risk Teen sites that are operated at local community centers. The before- and after-school programs serve over 700 local youths in Kindergarten through the Eighth Grade. The goals of the programs are educating through recreation and leisure opportunities, while providing dependable, safe and affordable care for the community's families. The At-Risk Teens program specifically encourages academic improvement and enhancement while promoting social, personal and character development.

Boy Scouts of America

CRVA has been a sponsor for two different Eagle Scout projects, focusing on teaching the Scout both project management and organizational skills. Each Scout was responsible for organizing a work group, including scheduling the workers, planning transportation to the work site, and then supervising the workers on the job. The Scout and the workers, who were other Boy Scouts and their parents, learned about the entire process involved in reuse, refurbishment, and recycling. They were involved in the receiving, testing, repairing, and de-manufacturing of electronic equipment.

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