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CRVA can assist your organization with its computer and electronic needs.


James City County

CRVA has established a partnership with James City County to provide equipment for many of their after school and parks and recreation programs such as their STARE (Summer Training Academic Remediation and Enrichment) program, the STRIVE program, and several of their after school tutoring/activity programs located throughout their county.

STARE is a summer program open to rising ninth and tenth graders who are currently enrolled in Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools and reside in James City County. The target student group is those students who are in need of structured and planned activities; academic remediation and enrichment in mathematics, reading and writing; exposure to the many career opportunities and experiences in the James City County community and the world of work at large, and vocational training.

The purpose of the program is to enhance the basic educational skills of youth in the areas of mathematics, career awareness and communication (reading and writing) and to provide youth with exposure to the world of work. The overall objective of this program is to expose the students to a meaningful summer program that focuses on relevant academic instruction and life skills training and to provide students with a chance to explore various career and job opportunities as well as first-hand experience as an employee. The students are placed at a nonprofit agency or community based programs throughout James City County. CRVA supplies the computers and operating systems through the Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher (MAR) program so that the youth can use a computer to enhance their experience in this program as well as provide an additional educational resource via software and the internet.

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