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CRVA can assist your organization with its computer and electronic needs.


Our efforts to educate Virginians about electronic waste began with our first community collection event in 2002 with the Virginia Peninsula Public Service Authority. This event generated about 10,000 pounds of equipment. Today each collection event averages between 50,000 and 75,000 pounds. We now have partnerships across the state with other nonprofits, government agencies, and church/community groups that have allowed us to spread our message of Reuse, Refurbish, Recycle. These communities have enjoyed the benefits of preventing tens of thousands of pounds of electronic waste from entering their landfills and contaminating their ground water.

They have also seen the positive social impact that refurbishment and donation can bring to their community. Whether it's a usable computer for a classroom that did not have one due to budgetary constraints or an afternoon program for disadvantaged children set up in a local church, everyone agrees that providing access to technology enriches the lives of everyone involved.


Within this section is a comprehensive record of recipients that received donations from CRVA. If your organization is not listed, please have them contact us to see how we can assist them with their needs.

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